LECTURER IN PSYCHOLINGUISTICS, (CHILD LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT), Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex

Psycholinguistics Research Group @ Essex

The Department of Language and Linguistics is seeking to appoint a lecturer with a background in linguistically-informed experimental research in child language development. Applications are welcomed from candidates with research and teaching expertise in any area of this field, but particular consideration will be given to those also able to contribute to modules that cover child language disorders. The appointee will join the Psycholinguistics research cluster, will be expected to teach at all levels from first year undergraduate to PhD, will contribute to maintaining the Department’s international research profile, and will play a role in the administration of the Department.
The successful candidate will have a PhD in Psycholinguistics or a relevant field. S/he will be able to demonstrate the potential for producing high quality publications in international journals, for attracting external research funding and for achieving excellence in teaching.
We particularly welcome female applicants and those from an ethnic…

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Field-Appropriate Language Games

We showed off our field-compatible language games for children at Colchester Young Children’s Festival, in collaboration with Colchester Toy Library. We have recently used the bags to collect data from Hindi-speaking children in Delhi, with Ayesha Kidwai and Benu Sharan, JNU. More about our language games on our language games website/blog:  http://languagegamesforall.wordpress.com/2014/06/23/volunteering-at-colchester-young-childrens-festival-june-2014/





University of Essex Postgraduate Studies in Experimental Linguistics

Funding Opportunities

Survey: Final Stages

We are in the final stages of a survey that is aimed at fieldworking linguists who carry out experiments as part of their research and psycholinguists who carry out research outside the traditional laboratory context or study under-researched languages for which the usual psycholinguistic resources are not available. The questions focus on ethics, cross-culturally appropriate methods, and technology, three notoriously difficult things for experimental field linguists. We will use the results of this survey for teaching and research materials, publications, and improved services for our website (https://experimentalfieldlinguistics.wordpress.com/). Please help us by completing the survey and spreading the word!

survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NX3VK7K

Note: Claire Bowern has kindly made her questions from her survey for the 2010 paper in “Language” available to us and we have used some of these questions. Birgit Hellwig, Naledi Kgolo, Katrin Skoruppa, and Silke Paulman have given me lots of comments on an earlier draft of the survey. Thank you!

Language Games Competition 2014: Winners

Our visitors from JNU, Delhi, have helped us judge the submissions for the 2014 Language Games Competition of the Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex. We are hoping that some of these games will make it to the field some time soon!



Winners in the Bag Game Category

1. Michael Bebbington

2. Katherine Youngs

3. Nina Smith


Winners in the Free Game Category

1. Hannah Siseman

2. Michael Bebbington

3. Chiara Fiori
